Shabdaguchha, an International Bilingual Poetry Journal, Celebrating 26 Years of Publication
The 4th Shabdaguchha International Poetry Festival, Day One, Poets House Tour, Poets House, NY
The 4th Shabdaguchha International Poetry Festival, Day Two, Central Public Library, Queens, NY
The 4th Shabdaguchha International Poetry Festival, Day Three, Casa Barkan, Merick, NY
Shabdaguchha Lifetime Poetry Award, Reciving by Stanley H. Barkan

Bangladeshi Poets' Profile


Shabdaguchha Poetry Award
Every odd number of year, Shabdaguchha Poetry Award is given to a promising poet, who already made a significant contribution and who have contributed to Shabdaguchha at least for a couple of times. Each appoined jury could nominate three poets by the first week of December of any odd number of year. Out of the nominations submitted Shabdaguchha sorts the names and announces the winner on December 16. The detail rules/guidelines are given in the following link.
The winner used to receive $200, it went up $400 on 2019 and now it is $500 and a plaque from Shabdaguchha.

Rules/Guideline for Shabdaguchha Poetry Award

Shabdaguchha Poetry Award Winners:

2023: Kazimierz Burnat
2021: Amir Or
2019: Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda
2017: Peter Thabit Jones
2015: Ahmed Swapan Mahmud
2013: Sambhu Rakshit
2011: Jahanara Perveen
2009: Rahman Henry
2007: Naznin Seamon
2005: Prabir Das
2003: Baitullah Quaderee
2001: Ruksana Rupa

Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2021
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2019
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2017
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2015
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2013
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2011
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2009
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2007
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2005
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2003
Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2001
Poetry in Letters

Shabdaguchha Lifetime Achievement Award:

2013: Stanley H. Barkan

Reaction of the Winning Poets:

"'Poet Amir Or is receiving this year's Shabdaguchha Poetry Award' I've just got this message with the announcement (below) from the famous Bengali poet and editor Hassanal Abdullah. I feel honored and grateful to receive this award from people who live and feel poetry, have cultivated a taste for it, and can dive into its depth. It makes me feel that my work was awarded with the ears and hearts that poetry deserves. Thank you."

--Amir Or, Winner of the Shabdaguchha Poetry Award, 2021
Shabdaguchha: Logo

Shabdaguchha is on the web since 1998
A Postmodern Poetry Movement
ISSN 1531-2038

Current Issue/বর্তমান সংখ্যা
Shabdaguchha: Issue 85_86

  • Editorial Board

  • The 1st Translated Issue

  • The 2nd Translated Issue

  • News on Poets and Poetry

  • Subscribe Shabdaguchha

  • Submission Guidelines

  • [From 25th Anniversary Issue]

    As a poet and mathematician who writes and thinks in two languages and is drawn to cosmological imagery, Abdullah sees clearly the importance of poetry in conveying ideas that are critical to the new global environment. In this respect his belief in poetry shares much with the English Romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, who considered the poet to be “the unacknowledged legislator of the world.” In the same way, Abdullah directly addresses issues of war, racism, climate change, and political corruption that must become the matter of poetry if humanity is to survive. In this spirit, he has given Shabdaguchha the purpose of spreading critical ideas through world embracing poetry.
    --Prof. Joan Digby
    Read More

    [From the Editorial: 15th Anniversary Issue]

    Shabdaguchha loves to welcome the adventurers and has been doing so for the last 15 years. Not only by printing the originals, but also with the translations, the magazine wants to fulfill the desire of the readers of many languages. Along the way, we received the help of many. Some came to wonder and stayed with us and still cruising through the rough turf. Some came to dance with us for a while and left for other adventures. We thank both groups and welcome the new pirates who will come along with us for future sagas, since the journey of creation will never end. Read More
    [From the Editorial: 12th Anniversary Issue]

    With the publication of this issue, we are celebrating the 12th anniversary of Shabdaguchha. Over these years, the magazine tried to publish the finest poems, both in English and Bengali. There were lots of difficulties fulfilling this goal, nevertheless we believe that we have been pretty successful. The help and support we have received from poets of different languages living in different parts of the world are tremendous. Though poetry is not something that can be sketched successfully in a day or two; continuous effort however makes a poet somewhat confident of what he wants to achieve. Same thing is applicable for a magazine too. Read More

    [From the Editorial: Previous Issue]

    নানা মুনির নানা মতই কি বাংলা কবিতার শেষ কথা, নাকি প্রকৃত উৎকর্ষের একটি সুনির্দিষ্ট ব্যাপার রয়েছে? জীবনানন্দ দাশ তো বলেছিলেন ‘কবিতা নানান প্রকার’, কিন্তু তার অর্থ কি দাঁড়ায়, যে যেভাবে পারেন এর ব্যাখ্যা দাঁড় করিয়ে দেবেন? যে যেভাবে পারেন কবিতাকে গ্রহণ করবেন কিম্বা ছুঁড়ে ফেলে দেবেন? ভালো লাগলেই কবিতাকে ভালো বলে প্রচার করবেন আর ভালো না লাগলে উচ্ছিষ্টের কাতারে নিয়ে যাবেন? যা ইচ্ছা তাই বলে কবিকে গালাগাল দেবেন? উপদেশের ফুলঝুরিতে ভরিয়ে তুলবেন কবির চারপাশ? আবার যখন প্রয়োজন হবে গা-ধুয়ে পবিত্র হয়ে সবার আগে এসে কবিকে ফুলের মালা দেবেন? যে সজনীকান্ত দাস ১৯৩৭ সালে, যখন আধুনিক বাংলা কবিতা তার স্বর্ণশিখরে, ‘অতি-আধুনিক কবিতা’ শিরোনামে প্রবন্ধ লিখে পুরো আধুনিকতাকে খারিজ করে দেবেন এই বলে যে ‘বাংলা-কবিতার একরূপ মৃত্যু হইয়াছে’, তিনিই আবার জীবনানন্দের মৃত্যুর পর ফুলের তোড়া হাতে চোখের জল ঢালবেন সবার সামনে!বিস্তারিত

    [From the Editorial: Issue 39]
    Although there was great modern poetry in, say, Arabic (Taha Hussein, Khalil Gibran) and Urdu (Mohammed Iqbal), there was not an organized 'modernism' in the Arab world or in the rest of British-ruled India as there was in Bengal. This makes Bangladeshi postmodernism different from poetry written in Middle Eastern or South Asian in a postmodern time . . .
      —Prof. Nicholas Birns, Guest Editor of the Issue

    [From the Editorial: Issue 38]
    But, this poor nation [Bangladesh] would not be able to come up with a suitable solution for the climate change, that is the root cause of this problem. So, the mighty nations of the world may have to rethink about their nuclear power plants, uses of ammunition in the war and dispensing the industrial and automobile waste. If we cannot solve these problems, the world will be hit by stronger hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. And mostly the poor and populated areas will be affected in a greater scale. People will die not in thousands, but in millions; and eventually one day, we will be extinct as dinosaurs and thousands of other species before us. It is the right time to act. So, I urge the educated people of the world to come forward and make a firm demand to their governments so that they take cautionary measures to eliminate the far greater disasters in future.

    Remember, only poets
    have a permanent address.

        —Humauyn Azad

Hassanal Abdullah, receiving Klemens Janicki International Award
Polish International Poetry Festival, Poznan, 2021

Shabdaguchha Lifetime Achievement Aware

Archive/পুরোনো সংখ্যাগুলো


শব্দগুচ্ছ একটি উজ্জ্বল পত্রিকা
  —শামসুর রাহমান

[শব্দগুচ্ছ] সুদৃশ্য, সুপাঠ্য, সুসম্পাদিত
  —শিবনারায়ণ রায়

তাঁর ঔজ্জ্বল্যে, তাঁর ক্ষমতায়, তাঁর উৎপাদন শক্তিতে আমি অভিভূত। মহাকবি হবোই—এমন প্রতিজ্ঞা নিয়ে বাংলা সাহিত্যে মধুসূদনের সার্ধশতাব্দী পরে হাসানআল আব্দুল্লাহর অবতরণ। মহাকবি দান্তে, মহাকবি মিল্টনের সচেতন অনুগামী যেমন ছিলেন মাইকেল, তেমনই আমাদের কালে হাসানআল।
  —জ্যোতির্ময় দত্ত

Yes, I'm a fan of Shabdaguchha, and, especially, its courageous and talented poet-translator-editor-publisher.
  —Stanley H. Barkan

Ten years ago in the editorial of the very first issue of the magazine, we earnestly stated that Shabdaguchha would be the place of the finest poems no matter who writes them. Still, we want to move forward with the same view.
   (Editorial/Issue 40)

রবীন্দ্রনাথকেও চিনতে অনেক সময় নিয়েছিল বাঙালি পাঠকেরা। ...দেখে শুনে মনে হচ্ছে স্বীকৃতির ক্ষেত্রে রবীন্দ্র দশাই ঘটতে যাচ্ছে কবি হাসানআল আব্দুল্লাহর।
   —বেলাল বেগ


বাংলা ছন্দের ধারাবাহিক বিকাশ

শব্দগুচ্ছ'র তেরো বছর

Neither friends nor Enemies

Our Poetry Partners:

Immagine & Poesia

Important Links:
Newspapers: Ittefaq   Prothom-Alo   Jugantor   BhorerKagoj   Janakantha   AmarDesh   Inqilab   Naya Diganta   Shamokal  Jai Jai Din   Amader Shomoy   Dainik Amader Shomoy   Sangbad   Destiny   Manav Jamin   Shokaler Khobor   Ananda Bazar Daily Star   Independent   New Nation   Observer   New Age   Financial Express  
Magazines: Shaptahik Anyadin  Weekly Holiday  BiWeekly Anannya     Probash  Monthly Porshi
Online Journals: NYNews52   NYbangla   Banglamati   Sristi  Urhalpool
Radio Online: Voice of America  BBC Bangla Service  German Bangla Radio  Betar Bangla LA Radio Japan (Bengali)  Radio Metrowave Dhaka
Organizations: Bangla Academy   Mukto-Mona  
Poetry Mag: Poetry   Yale Review   Agni   Paris Review   Shabdaguchha
Personal Page: Taslima Nasrin   Hassanal Abdullah  

Contact us: habdu056@aol.com