
Poetry and Translation:

Charles Fishman
Bishnupada Ray
Geraldine Green
Rob Frail
Tammy Nuzzo-Morgan
Sabyasachi Hazra
Naznin Seamon
Mansur Aziz
Rasel Ahmed
Shekhor Seraj

Prose and Book Review:

Rezanur Rahman Reza
Hassanal Abdullah

Letters to the Editor:

Rezamur Rahman Reza
Anjuman Rosi
Saiful Islam
Leigh Harrison
Joytirmoy Datta
Faisal Ovi
Sonnet Mondel
Abdul Aziz
Kobir Hussain
Asik Istiak
Arjun Choudhuri
Chimti Khan
Mjafor Hosain
Naznin Seamon

Cover Art:

Jyotirmoy Datta


Shabdaguchha Award 2009 Presented to Rahman Henry
On Feb 16, the fifth biannual Shabdaguchha Poetry Award was presented to Rahman Henry, a significant poet of the nineties. Syed Shamsul Haq, a renowned poet of Bangladesh presented the crest and $200 to Mr. Henry. The award ceremony was held at the Central Public Library where Mr. Haq was the chief guest of the event. Other guests of the event were Golam Mortoza, editor of Shaptahik and Poet Aurunava Sharkar. Hassanal Abdullah, the editor of Shabdaguchha, was also present in the ceremony. Latifa Kohinur, wife of late Humayun Azad, Soumitra Dev, the editor of, Tareq Mahmud and Khondakar Shohel were among the others participated on the occasion.

Shabdaguchha: Logo
Issue 47/48 : January - June 2010 : Volume 12 No 3/4

যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা যুগপূর্তি সংখ্যা

The 12th Anniversary Issue

Shabdaguchha: Issue 47_48
Cover Art by Jyotirmoy Datta


    With the publication of this issue, we are celebrating the 12th anniversary of Shabdaguchha. Over these years, the magazine tried to publish the finest poems, both in English and Bengali. There were lots of difficulties fulfilling this goal, nevertheless we believe that we have been pretty successful. The help and support we have received from poets of different languages living in different parts of the world are tremendous. Though poetry is not something that can be sketched successfully in a day or two; continuous effort however makes a poet somewhat confident of what he wants to achieve. Same thing is applicable for a magazine too.
    Continuous search for good poems allowed us to come this far. Yet, we know that poetic achievement can never be measured by numerical scales. It always runs beyond standards and keeps on moving to set up new ones. We, therefore, would have to go miles before the end of this journey.

    Along the way, we established the Biannual Shabdaguchha Poetry Award in 2001. So far, this award was given to five Bengali poets living in Dhaka, Kolkata and New York. There will always be some critics. Still, we are deeply indebted to the people; the judges, the patrons, and the nominees; who helped us to make it possible. We believe that the bridge we have built between the poets of the East and west through Shabdaguchha would always be there throughout our journey and beyond. Therefore, we will not make any mistakes to thank our readers and contributors, who actually are the real heroes in our eyes. Without their gracious help and non-ending supports we would not be able to celebrate this day.

    Geraldine Green

    Now I Am in Love

    with frozen beach grass
    the way it curves
    above my head as
    i crouch below
    the way each
    slender finger bends
    before dipping

    to scratch
    the itch of
    frozen sand

    i am learning
    how cold each night is
    as i read the light
    through pink
    dim blue
    and sulphur
    siberian winds paint this land
    a different color.


Poetry in English

Poetry in Bengali

An Artile in Bangla

Book Review

Short Review


To the Editor

ইন্টারনেট সংস্করণ মুদ্রিত পত্রিকার সংক্ষেপিত অংশ। অতএব শব্দগুচ্ছর এই সংখ্যাটি ডাকযোগে পেতে হলে অনুগ্রহপূর্বক নিচে ক্লিক করে ওয়ার্ডার করুন।

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Shabdaguchha, an International Bilingual Poetry Journal, edited by Hassanal Abdullah