
The International Poetry Journal in Bengali and English

Shabdaguchha Award 2005

Goes to Prabir Das

Prabir Das, a significant voice of the West Bengal, India, and the author of seven books of poetry has been announced as the recipient of the Shabdaguchha Poetry Award 2005 in postmodern Bengali Poetry. He will receive 10 thousand Taka in Bangladeshi currency and a crest from Shabdaguchha, the international bilingual poetry quarterly.

On the eve of the Victory Day of Bangladesh, 16th December, 2005, the award was announced by the poet and the editorial advisor of Shabdaguchha, Stanley H. Barkan. Prior to the announcement of the award a seminar on the Liberation War and a poetry reading were held at BAARNI, Astoria, Queens.

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  • Shabdaguchha, A Bilingual (Bengali-English) Journal of Poetry, Published in New York, Edited by Hassanal Abdullah.