
Poets and Translators:
Stanley H. Barkan Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda Sultan Catto
Catherine Fletcher Naznin Seamon David Lawton
Bishnupada Ray Ellen Lytle Richard Jeffry Newman
Roni Adhikari Dhanonjoy C Saha
Howard Pflanzer Maki Starfield
Natasha R Clarke Amirah Al Wassif
John Smelcer Ekok Soubir Hassanal Abdullah
A Tribute To
Buddhadeva Bose (1908-1974)
Poetry in Bengali
Hadiul Islam Suman Dhara Sharma Mahbub Mitra
Mohammad Jasim
Letters to the Editor
Naoshi Koriyama Carolyne Wright Sultan Catto
Peter Thabit Jones Samantha Jane Denise Moyo
Chandan Das Partha Banerjee Sulekha Sarkar Somnath Ray
Cover Art:
Thaira Almayahy Husen
New Logo:
Najib Tareque
Cover Art by Thaira Almayahy Husen
Sultan Catto
Plenteous trees are bustling in my garden
going through adjustments imposed by changing seasons
greening andblooming all through the spring,
emitting fragrances into the night air,
producing fruits mostly in the fall,
some shedding leaves in winter. No matter what,
the old garden replenishes itself year after year.
Trees’trembling branches generate tiny sounds,
songbirds of all species nest in them.
Happy trees, inanimate future of the landscape,
make all sorts of noises as winds are at work,
soft rustling of leaves in a still breeze,
or, a “whoosh” sound before a storm breaks.
Each species has its own distinctive sound
depending on its size and shape,
what a scientist might call a geometric response.
If your ears are wide open to the sounds,
you can hear piano sonatas emanating from their leaves,
jazz concerts, sounds of different drums, and I know even
the Mongolian throat singers’ songsoccupying
their well-defined place among the fig trees.
Sounds reveal numerous things one can’t see.
For instance, you can always tell an oak tree from a maple.
At the end of summer most fill with ripened fruits.
They are generous entities, not caring who eattheir bounties,
a prey to all migrating birds, fruit flies, and other insects.
I have given names to the old ones in my garden,
here they stand, trees with different fruits and names:
Rumi, Li Po, Whitman, Hikmet, Veli, Akhmatova, Brodsky,
Mistral, Kipling, Vallejo, Neruda, Gibran, Transtromer, Fuzuli.
And the younger ones growing between them: Barkan,Wolak,
Ismail, Millan, Abdullah, Thabit-Jones, Gillan, Boss, Seshadri.
New Jersey
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Printed Version
পত্রিকার মুদ্রিত কপি
A Tribute to Buddhadeva Bose
Poetry in Translation (polish)
Poetry in Translation (Bengali)
Poetry in Translation (Ahtna)
Poetry in English 1
Poetry in English 2
Poetry in Bengali
Editor's Journal
Shabda News
Letters to the Editor
শব্দগুচ্ছর এই সংখ্যাটির মুদ্রিত সংস্করণ ডাকযোগে পেতে হলে
অনুগ্রহপূর্বক নিচে ক্লিক করে ওয়ার্ডার করুন।
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