
Poets and Translators:
Stanley H. Barkan Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda Sultan Catto
Catherine Fletcher Naznin Seamon David Lawton
Bishnupada Ray Ellen Lytle Richard Jeffry Newman
Roni Adhikari Dhanonjoy C Saha
Howard Pflanzer Maki Starfield
Natasha R Clarke Amirah Al Wassif
John Smelcer Ekok Soubir Hassanal Abdullah
A Tribute To
Buddhadeva Bose (1908-1974)
Poetry in Bengali
Hadiul Islam Suman Dhara Sharma Mahbub Mitra
Mohammad Jasim
Letters to the Editor
Naoshi Koriyama Carolyne Wright Sultan Catto
Peter Thabit Jones Samantha Jane Denise Moyo
Chandan Das Partha Banerjee Sulekha Sarkar Somnath Ray
Cover Art:
Thaira Almayahy Husen
New Logo:
Najib Tareque
Celebrating 21 Years of Publication
প্রকাশনার একুশ বছর
Dhanonjoy C Saha
I didn’t think the beauty of my
Childhood would ever end, but it did
Not because the government was bad
The military had killed innocent people
The politicians had abused religions or
Natural calamities had stifled the economy
It was because I saw the colors of the butterflies fade
The bees couldn't collect nectar from flowers,
Rivers stopped singing their tidal songs
And people around me forgot to dream for the future
North Carolina
Howard Pflanzer
No cameras allowed in the jury room
The TV is pictureless
Feeble wifi for your laptop
No coffee
Just soda
The state is financially challenged
Things are tight
Justice doesn’t pay.
A stamp stuck on wrong
Ripped off
Replaced right
Hanging half unstuck
Will the survey get there
I really don’t care
Maybe its loss will spark a revolution
If not
There is a pleasure in not complying.
No paradise island located in a sea of riches
No thatched huts and smiling natives
Only rows of gray and black camping tents
With a touch of feminist pink
Housing a cohort of the homeless
Men and women trapped in limbo
Scavenging the streets for castoffs
Struggling day to day to survive
As the condo towers rise above them
Pushing them to the margins
And oblivion for those who want them out of sight.
New York
Maki Starfield
The world
Was created
In your image:
Don’t come here
Don’t move on
Run away from here
Turn to the right
With your umbrella
Return to the left
With your shining cell phone
Golden accessories,
With spirits and victories
Sadness can’t penetrate
The special bondage of a black
I just know the right color,
At the opposite door,
My heart opens
From the conflict, from hope
Of the human race
My homeland,
Melancholy yellow
I love you.
Your hands
Grab traces of my shadow
I prefer the rose tattoo
You are sunburned
A mixed flow in flight,
Unique nations,
Of burned skin,
Of an ancient heart
A light with light
Make a road
To the black-less
Of color!
Love drops spill
On your silky breast smoothly
In love items
God of underwear
Saying good-bye
Moonless night
A sigh of love without words
With eternal kisses
Where my hotness part merges
With your break trapped
In the dance of lovemaking
Like a bullet of love
Our bodies become
Only flame and poetry
In the center
Of the lovemaking mirror
Ecstasy, desire
Perfect lack of our weight
Oh love!
Deeper than moonlight
Amirah Al Wassif
I remember! Yes, I remember this letter
When my tears decided to escape
Out of me, I felt that is better
My soul took over my shape
I heard him laughing at me and clearly makes fun
I could not aware how his love for me
Became hurtful like a gun
I remember! Yes, I remember this letter
When I fell to my knees
Crying with my pets
Grieve together
Watering our pain tree
I remember your face within the paper
Looking slyly at me
I seemed like a victim of a kidnapper
Or a tiny hay in a big sea
I remember! Yes, I remember my love
Feeding my eyes your words
Your words, your shots!
Ah! I remember how I would
Keeping it in my heart, my shell
But tell me how I could
Welcome your greetings from the hell?
Natasha R. Clarke
The man of silver hair licked the envelope
inundated with saliva and frost.
His lips were chapped and paper cut.
He pushed his thumbs against the edges
sealing it with a stamp.
The crinkled paper fit in his coat pocket.
He put on green gloves and a captain's hat
pulling it down a bit, covering his glossy eyes.
His boots were pulled over his thin pants.
He grunted, "Humph!"
He stepped outside, the cold stung his nose.
He took out the withered letter
and placed it in the snow.
A young deer came with green-tinted eyes.
It took the letter in its small mouth
and left with a nod.
The man nodded in return.
He wrote letters to the doe,
the doe who was his only friend.
(for Grandpa)
His wispy hair falls in pieces to the ground,
the particles tripping over the rim of his nose.
He lifts a finger to rub away the morning exhaust
from his eyelids.
His mouth open and chapped,
set in one position as he reads.
He reads poems with his red pen.
He sits content and happy,
waiting as his granddaughters write
for something he can read,
content and happy
with his red pen.
She is caramelized molasses.
Butter and raisin-colored swirls
cover her fur.
Like a lion-Sphinx,
she stares at me.
standing strong and tall.
Her mane of white snow
cascades down her neck
like a spoonful of fluffernutter.
Her hazel-green eyes
remind me of the scent
of warm apple cider
on a brisk autumn day.
Her tail is like a plume that puffs up
when her sunshine is showing.
Like a smurf, she chirps endlessly,
never running out of breath.
For hours, she waits by my door
purring loudly
for her to be caressed.
For, after all,
she is a cat.
Long Island, NY
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পত্রিকার মুদ্রিত কপি
A Tribute to Buddhadeva Bose
Poetry in Translation (polish)
Poetry in Translation (Bengali)
Poetry in Translation (Ahtna)
Poetry in English 1
Poetry in English 2
Poetry in Bengali
Editor's Journal
Shabda News
Letters to the Editor
শব্দগুচ্ছর এই সংখ্যাটির মুদ্রিত সংস্করণ ডাকযোগে পেতে হলে
অনুগ্রহপূর্বক নিচে ক্লিক করে ওয়ার্ডার করুন।
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