
Poets and Translators:
Aeronwy Thomas
Arbindu Chakroborty
Bishnupada Ray
Caroline Gill
David Gill
Ekok Soubir
Hasan Sabbir
Hassanal Abdullah
Humayun Azad
Izfandior Arión
Jean Salkilld
Lynn Hopkins
Mahmoud Darwish
Matin Raihan
Mohammed Ataur Rahman
Naznin Seamon
Pallav Bandyopadhaya
Peter Thabit Jones
Prabir Das
Rassel Ahmed
Nirmal Gope
Chanchal Mahmud
Rizwanul Islam Rudra
Sabbyasachi Hazra
Sonali Begum
Stanley H. Barkan
Subhas Robidas
Subir Sarkar
Syed Mohammad Masuk
Uday Shankar Durjay
Urmila Chakraborty
Letters to the Editor:
Nirmalendu Goon
Prabir Das
Subhas Robidas
Sheikh Dinar
Mojaffor Hossain
Pallav Bandyopadhaya
Sheik Kamrul Hasan
Munib Rezwan
Urmila Chakraborty
Afroza Alam
Syed Mahbub Oli
Faruk Afindi
D. H. Melhem
Miah Chakraborty
Surya Kiran Das
Cover Art:
Ekok Soubir
Six Welsh Poets
Plus Humayun Azad, Mahmoud Darwish, Stanley H. Barkan and many more...
Cover Art by Ekok Soubir
Anyone who is associated with Shabdaguchha or reads the magazine at least once should know
that our main goal is to present contemporary poetry from different parts of the world and offer
them to readers who love poetry, whatever and wherever its source. That is to say, we are continually
trying to build a bridge between poets of the East and the West, which has never been an easy task,
since it needs a tremendous amount of cooperation between poets of different cultural backgrounds.
But Shabdaguchha is lucky to have such a friend as Stanley H. Barkan, poet and publisher, who actually
makes our mission much smoother. Therefore, I have to give a lot of credit to him for connecting us to
Peter Thabit Jones, poet and editor of The Seventh Quarry in Swansea, Wales, who collected the poems by
the Welsh poets we are presenting in this issue. Both Stanley and Peter must be credited for gathering
the work of these poets. Shabdaguchha is gratefully indebted to them.
This is the first time, we are publishing a 60-page magazine. Until now, the magazine
size was 32 or 48 pages; but the huge number of submissions from Bangladesh, India, and many other
parts of the world moved us to increase the number of pages. We know that we will have to pay
additional printing cost and postage for this, but we will never be obstructed from publishing
the finest poetry. Needless to say, as Shabdaguchha is growing, so too are the number of poets
who are being published in its pages. It is so thrilling to know that a significant number of
young poets who once were first published on Shabdaguchha are now publishing their first books in
the upcoming annual Dhaka Book Fair on February, 2012. We congratulate the poets and wish them
a happy journey through the thorny field of poetry and want to remind others that Shabdaguchha will always be with the finest group of poets, no matter how old and young they are.
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Printed Version
পত্রিকার মুদ্রিত কপি
Welsh Poets
Poetry in English
Poetry in Bengali
Poetry in Translation
To the Editor
Contributors' Bio
শব্দগুচ্ছর এই সংখ্যাটির মুদ্রিত সংস্করণ ডাকযোগে পেতে হলে
অনুগ্রহপূর্বক নিচে ক্লিক করে ওয়ার্ডার করুন।
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