
Poets and Translators:
Adam Szyper Amir Or Aniela Gregorek
Beata Pozniak Bill Wolak Birutė Jonuškaitė
Danuta Bartosz Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda
Hassanal Abdullah Hatif Janabi Jerzy Gregorek
Jaroslaw Pijarowski Joan Digby Józef Baran Kazimierz Burnat
Małgorzata Żurecka Lee Kuei-shien
Maria Mistrioti Mirosław Grudzien Nat Scammacca
Naznin Seamon Sona Van Stanley H. Barkan
Tomasz Marek Sobieraj Zbigniew Milewski
Poetry in Bengali
Ahmed Shiplu Rafiquzzaman Rony Roni Adhikari
Uday Shankar Durjoy
Short Reivew
Belal Beg
Letters to the Editor
Badal Ghosh Jasim Uddin Tutul Maria Mistrioti
Nilas Mazumder Noorelahi Mina Jelani Sarker
Cover Art:
Jacek Wysocki
Najib Tareque
Celebrating 21 Years of Publication
প্রকাশনার একুশ বছর
Poetry Translated from Bengali
Hassanal Abdullah
Bare chests are soaked in swarming darkness,
freezing time now rushes to choke our throats;
tying its feet with a rope, the universe aimlessly
fancied to put a halt on its endless journey.
The clock’s arms are smashed in our hateful hands,
human skulls minced like a jasmine crushed under feet
our frantic fate is targeted by the missiles
a scarcity cursed us through Great Disasters.
Just a few people, calling planet earth by its name
using vulgarity; they have passed their usual time,
though they are the ones with fortunate big feasts,
the rest of the people lived as the most ill-fated paupers.
In the vast space, staying just like a grain of sand,
maybe smaller than that, with respect to relative mass,
this chaotic planet is nothing but a piece of rubbish,
but the darkness seized its tiny lips too.
Translated from the Bengali by Ekok Soubir
I wait for something better.
A better start of the day,
a better evening,
I wait for a better song,
birds feather,
a better piece of poetry,
I wait for a better breaking news.
I wait for something better.
A better afternoon,
a luminous face,
better words, sunny sky,
I wait for reading a better book.
I wait for something better.
A better stream, a better boat,
cheerful offspring,
a roomful of guests,
I wait for a better friendship.
I wait for something better.
A better house, an open balcony,
fresh breeze, lots of flowers,
a better land of green,
a better harvest,
I wait for a better life.
Translated from the Bengali by the poet
Even rivers sometimes have to say no;
after allowing a leaf toa
sail on its bosom for a long while
it illogically lets it sink.
I, who have been listening to
the river’s voice, am sometimes
rebuffed by the streams,
sudden unintelligibility.
What had I been asking from it,
why did it say no?
I, however, have never stopped
talking to my river.
Translated from the Bengali by Jyotirmoy Datta
New York
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পত্রিকার মুদ্রিত কপি
Polish Poetry
Poetry in English 1
Poetry Translated from Other Languages
Poetry Bengali to English
Poetry in Bengali
Editor's Journal
Short Review
Shabda News
To the Editor
Contributors' Bio
শব্দগুচ্ছর এই সংখ্যাটির মুদ্রিত সংস্করণ ডাকযোগে পেতে হলে
অনুগ্রহপূর্বক নিচে ক্লিক করে ওয়ার্ডার করুন।
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