
The International Poetry Journal in Bengali and English

Issue 32/33
Apr-Sept '06

    Kunitz's Poetry in Translation
    Sample Poetry in Bengali
    Articles on Kunitz's Poetry

    An Interview with Kunitz
    To the Editor
    Poetry on Kunitz
    A Poem of Suraiya Khanum

Hassanal Abdullah
Mahbubul Akhand
Stanley H. Barkan
August Bover
Vince Clemente
Prabir Das
Charles Fishman

    Cover Photo: Laura Boss

    Peter Thabit Jones
    Suraiya Khanum(1944-2006)
    Stanley Kunitz(1905-2006)
    Stanley Moss
    Naznin Seamon

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    Shabdaguchha, A Journal of Poetry, Published in New York, Edited by Hassanal Abdullah.