
The International Poetry Journal in Bengali and English

Issue 39
Jan-Mar '08

Syed Shamsul Huq

Press Briefing

Is it not true that causing so many deaths
Finally gave you so little satisfaction?

—Three thunder-burned trees are standing
On the way of the market.
All the paths of the village now start from them.

Is it not true that your rivers
Still carry new-killed bodies?

—In a clear midday, the flocks of hilsa fish in Padma are seen,
As also a cheerful wind, and
Thousands of boats, you can’t
Even see the river for them—
Silver harvest will come before dusk.
Is it not true that another force Empowers you from behind?

—I was awakened the other night by the calls
Of a jackal, as I once in my boyhood.
The wind whistled in the neighboring bush. It was
Lights-out-dark in my room.
Nobody else, but my heart
Called for my mother
Raising both hands, in blackout-fear.
Though she was
The weakest and oldest one in the whole neighborhood,
I thought that
I was still her full moon.

Syed Shamsul Huq (1935 - ), a poet, novelist and a well known playwright, who contributed to every field of literature. Mr. Huq lived in London for many years where he worked for the BBC Bangla Radio, and later, after going back to Bangladesh, he took writing as his only profession. Mr. Huq is the author of about 200 titles. His recent collection of poetry Ek Lokhho Nokhhotrer Nichey (Under one Hundred Thousand Stars) published in 2007.

Translated from the Bengali by Hassanal Abdullah

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    Shabdaguchha, A Journal of Poetry, Published in New York, Edited by Hassanal Abdullah.