
The International Poetry Journal in Bengali and English

Issue 39
Jan-Mar '08

Raja Hasan

After Reading the Manuscript of a Movie

You can see how people are gradually fading away, how they are sitting head-down after being humiliated. You can see an afternoon of lonely people in the smoke of cigarettes. You can see drops of tears clustered on the man’s eyeglasses while he is sitting in a rickshaw. You can see how an underpaid clerk hesitantly stands in front of a gorgeous fruit shop. You can see a mixture of these scenes and dreams in a collage of shadow.

How would you explain these unconscious pieces of scenery by our consciousness? How far the casting word go, and how would it walk past the galaxies? And what would we look for in the fading shape of light under the doubt of the old-style craftsmanship?

Raja Hasan (1962 - ) works for a Non-Government Organization in Dhaka. He published many poems in various literary journals but did not publish any collection of poetry as yet. 

Translated from the Bengali by Hassanal Abdullah

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    Shabdaguchha, A Journal of Poetry, Published in New York, Edited by Hassanal Abdullah.