
Poetry and Essays:
Anisur Rahman Apu
Ariful Islam
Basudhara Roy
Bill Wolak
Bishnupada Ray
BZ Niditch
Derek Walcott
Hassanal Abdullah
Jahanara Parveen
Jyotirmoy Datta
Louisa Calio
Maria Bennett
Masudol Hassan Rony
Michael Graves
Naoshi Koriyama
Naser Hossain
Naznin Seamon
Nicholas Birns
Octavio Paz
Pallav Bandyopadhayay
Sonali Begum
Stephanie McMillan
Swapan Majhi
Shabda News:
Bhuiyan Ahasan Habib
Letters to the Editor:
Azad Kashmir Zaman
Belal Beg
Bill Wolak
Leigh Harrison
Lidia Chiarelli
Louisa Calio
Michael Graves
mike graves
mike graves
Rudranath Banerjee
Saidur Rahman Milon
Tahmidul Islam
Zakir Sayed
Cover Art:
Mia Barkan Clarke
Letters to the Editor
Dear Hassanal,
Thank you so much for your Poetry Journal Shabdaguchha where you have
published two of my poems: it's an honour for me.
The members of our Movement asked me to add your photo and profile as representative
of IMMAGINE & POESIA for Bangladesh:
(the countries are in alphabetical order)
Please tell me if you like it or if you want to change /add something.
I would like to send you my book of poems and images IMMAGINE & POESIA—
The Movement in Progress published by Stanley Barkan (NEW YORK 2013)
with images by Adel Gorgy (among other artists).
Please tell me the exact postal address where to send it.
Best greetings from Italy
Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
Dear Poet,
I was very much pleased to receive Vol. 15 No. 3/4 of Shabdaguchha Jan-June 2013 from you in the book
festival 2014 of Bangla Acadamy. I think you have started a literary movement form the USA.
Congratulations for the movement. Our slogan is POETRY FOR THE WORLD PEACE.
With love & best wishes
Tahmidul Islam, Dhaka
So sorry I missed your birthday, Hassanal! It's the day after mine, and I missed it because I was out
with friends/family for the day of my birthday and after. (I'm also sorry about having missed the event
you all had for Stan, but complications in my life after my sister's heart surgery—and other things—
messed up my schedule and plans. I hope Stan got over being upset that I wasn't there.)
Did you have a nice birthday?
Leigh Harrison, Queens, NY
I am a resident of West Bengal state of India. Although I am currently a PhD research scholar of Computer
Science Engineering, writing poetry has been my passion since my college days.
This is the first time I have summed up some courage to send one of my poems to any magazine for
publication. I would be grateful if you can manage a little time to go through my poem and consider if
it is worth publishing. This would send me the signal that I am heading towards the right direction and
encourage me to take many more such endeavours in the future.
Yours truly,
Rudranath Banerjee
Dear Hassanal,
Thank you very much for the copy of Shabdagucha, which I'm enjoying with admiration.
It is excellent as always. I only wish I could read Bengali.
Thank you also for the invite to submit some poems. I expect to send some soon.
Could you read on Sunday, October 26 with one or two additional features to be determined? Best,
Michael Graves, NY
Dear Hassanal,
Dileep Jhaveri arrived in America tired and depressed. The first anniversary of his wife Maya’s death
happened while he was here. Nevertheless, he has left the US uplifted enthusiastic, and filled with new
hope and energy. The life has returned to his eyes.
You are the reason for his joy! Thank you so much for all your hospitality,
friendship and encouragement.
Dileep and I will never forget your kindness. Much love,
Bill Wolak, NY
Dear Hassanal,
Thank you for reading for Phoenix at Left Bank Books. It was a pleasure to hear you, as always.
I have already read through most of your book and find much I admire, both among old favorites
and new discoveries. Some I am especially taken with are "Thorny Household," "Colorless Night,"
"Poetry, Come Back," "Frustration's Belly," and "Heaven's Staircase."
I am attaching and pasting below some poems for possible publication in Shabdaguchha.
Let me know what you think.
I look forward to having you read again in the spring or early summer.
Michael Graves, NY
Dear Hassanal,
I've been inspired to try to write like you, at least like you in translation, and drafted a poem inspired by
the first poem in your book just a little while ago, so, you'll be seeing some work dedicated to you or
with the note after Hassanal Abdullah's and the title of the poem I took as model. I like your voice very
much and also find a spaciousness in some of your poems, not only the sonnets, that reminds me of a
remark by the Nobel Prize Winner Czeslaw Milosz's opening line (and the rest of the first stanza) of
'Ars Poetica?', "I have always aspired to a more spacious form..." You have achieved that form and
are to be congratulated for doing so.
Please let me know when I can expect a decision on my submission to Shabdagucha.
Michael Graves, NY
Dear Hassanal,
Here are my poems (attached) for your consideration. Let me know which if any you will publish in your journal etc.
Is your epic translated into English too?
I am enjoying the poems you and Stanley translated. Humayun Azad writes of sad and profound matters of our time.
The poems are also powerful, moving and honest, truly a great work. When I see you, I sometimes think of the
Bengali Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda who I had a deep connection with, even in my dreams.
I have enclosed the following poems: I hope to see you again soon. Many thanks and it was a joy to see you.
"Demeter Weeping at Virginia Tech"
"Grown Ups"
"What is Water?"
Louisa Calio, New York
Oct 2, 2014
Dear Hassanal,
A little while back, you accepted a few of my poems for publication. And, as a bit of an experiment,
I’m about to release a small collection of them as an ebook. The book is called Wisdom’s Real opposite—
101 Poems about an Odyssey on a Stool. And it’s currently available for pre-order at amazon.com.
Colin Dodds, Brooklyn
বৈশাখে বৃষ্টি নামুক, তুফান উঠুক, হোক শান্তির কালবোশেখী!
শুভ নববর্ষ!
শুভ জন্মদিন, শুভ প্রতিদিন, শুভ প্রতিরাত, শুভ বাকি জীবন, শুভতর মরণ, আর শুভতম হোক মরণের পরের মরণহীন জীবন, শুভকামনা!
সাইদুর রহমান মিলন
কিছু কিছু মানুষ কথা বললেই কবিতা হয়। হাসানআল তাঁদেরই একজন।
বেলাল বেগ, নিউইয়র্ক
আপনার নক্ষত্র ও মানুষের প্রচ্ছদ পড়লাম। ভাল লেগেছে।
জাকির সাইদ
দেশ এবং আন্তর্জাতিক সাহিত্যের জন্য যে শ্রম, সময়, সেবা দিয়ে যাচ্ছেন আপনি, ব্যক্তিগত ভাবে আমি এবং শব্দনীড় পরিবার সহ পাঠক নিশ্চয়ই আপনার কাছে কৃতজ্ঞ থাকবে প্রিয় হাসানআল ভাই।
আজাদ কাশ্মীর জামান, সুইজারল্যান্ড
Some of these letters have been reprinted from Facebook
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